Monday, August 15, 2011

The Horrors of the Auto-Correct

I enjoy chatting. It's a great way to communicate with people. Now, I must admit, I'm rather addicted to Yahoo Messenger chat. Throughout all my chatting history, and boy do I have one, I have concluded that Messenger is the best. Between the live emoticons and the "BUZZ" effect, I'm definitely caught, hook, line, and sinker. However, you must be thinking now that the direction of this post is not matching up with the title....and you are right.

Now we come to the meat of the matter. I am personally debating with myself whether I am a fan of the concept of "Auto-correct." Now I know what you're thinking. "Amy, this is quite an unnecessary concern to contemplate." Oh, but it is quite unnecessary! Therefore, let us enjoy discussing something purely for the joy of discussing it!

How does it make you feel? Are we that spelling-challenged to need an automatic dictionary aid for texting? (Technically, I am that spelling-challenged....) This whole idea rather struck me in the forehead like Goliath must have felt when he was targeted by David's stone. It was sudden and striking (pun definitely intended).

The good side of Auto-Correct is definitely obvious. For the average human, texting can be preformed much more time efficiently when using a device with Auto-Correct. Although useful, is it merely a crutch for slothful behavior?

Here's the preface: Amanda (my younger sister) and I were chattin' it up on Messenger...even though we were in the same room.....concerning, I know, but that is the truth. She was using my phone which has the program that I now speak of: Auto-Correct. Our chats never communicate anything of interest. They are 98% of the time complete gibberish, but that is what makes it fun. I think it best to copy and paste some of this said conversation as to clearly illustrate my point. My apologies in advance for the extreme randomness.

Me: "Okay, I'm going to go blog now."

Amanda: "BLOG???'

Me: "Cheya"

Amanda: "Ach!!! Okay."

Me: "blog. I have a blog. And I blog on my blog"

Amanda: "Cheya?? Was dat? Inhibit."

Me: "Inhibit?"

Amanda: "What?! Auto check"

Me: "what"

Amanda: "Khufu"

Me: "yikes"

Amanda: "Khufu. Ohhjhhj. There."

So, there it is. Apparently, she was trying to say "Ohhh," but it was auto-corrected to the words "Khufu" and "Inhibit." I find this amusing. But observe the horror, my friends! She had no intention of saying those words, and yet, those words and not a innocent "Ohhh" were sent to my computer! Shocking!! Should a program have such control?? This is the unsolved mystery.

So, to wrap up this very random post, consider the motives behind the installment of Auto-correct....or not, because this whole post is quite silly anywho ;-)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Title, Time, and Thoughts

Good afternoon! What a beautiful day it is today!

Well, firstly (...and Andrew Pudewa says not to use that word...oh well...), I should take care of some business. I changed the title! Hurrah! Shocking, I know, but I needed something fresh and more Amy-ish. So, this blog will now be referred to as "Amy's Scribbles." Exciting! (yes, I am easily excited).

As to what has been happening in Amy-world, my sister, Ally, and my niece, Emma, are here for a visit! (My apologies for all those commas). I am so excited that they are here!! It has been quite wonderful so far :) They arrived last Saturday, and they will be flying home on Tuesday. It has gone by too quickly. Emma is growing up so fast; I can hardly believe my eyes.

You know that sense of awe? The one you get when you realize how big God is, and how small we are. And yet, His great love for us. That sense of awe. I was filled with this awe the other day in the car with Emma. I just sat there next to her. She was sitting there looking up at me with those beautiful, brown eyes while playing with my hands. God is so great and mighty, and yet, He loves us so much that He knits us together cell by cell. My mind is in danger of exploding when I even try to grasp the biological complexity of life.

I am ashamed to admit that I often just go through my daily life without stopping and looking at the sky. The sky, or the trees, or the water that runs down my sink when I'm brushing my teeth. And I don't mean to just see these things, but to really look.

I hope to encourage you. When you are done reading this post, go outside and look. Go look, ponder, and wonder. Let us always strive for being in awe.